Build a Positive Personality and high self esteem

The power to make or break oneself is all within us, and we need to take ownership, and responsibility, on how we use that power, for charging ourselves with positive energy, or negative energy, because, the controls are with us. Do the good things you like doing more. Avoid whatever unpleasant experiences you have. Stop listening and watching bad things. It works every time. Good things you have learned from all those bad days of your life. This would firstly make your life easier. Also, it can cause you to feel good about your life and presence. Following ways to build a positive Personality Step 1: Accept Responsibility It's a very important step in life to build a positive behavior because when you take responsibility on your shoulder automatic your personality change like how to deal with other, control anger, how to take that responsibility smoothly means its a step to build a positive personality. Those people who don't take it the responsibility seriously they always sh...