When you apply for a job at MARKETO, make sure your experience and skill match with job requirements. Trust me, Its most important!!!!!! Below are the Marketo interview question which most of the companies are asking the same questions:- 1. What is Marketo? Answer:- It's a marketing automation software as a service(SaaS) platform built to help organizations automate and measure marketing engagement, tasks and workflow. 2. What is Token in Marketo? Answer:- A Token is a variable that can be used in a Smart campaign flow steps, email, landing page, snippet and web campaign. In Token Tab there are three type of Tokens called Nesting TOKEN:- A. Local Token : 19 fields are fixed. We have to just update the value in it. B. Inherited Token :- when field is update. C. Overridden Token: Update the filled which override 3. What is Tags in Marketo? Answer:- Tags are used to describe program and for filtering data for reporting purpose. 4. How do you setup an Email Camp...
The Journey to every Destination starts with a small step and the Destination defines your Journey. So let's start the topic. What are Journey and Destination? A journey according to dictionary term it's " an act of traveling from one place to another " . Traveling defines your path in your life it would be a long or short journey and a dangerous one. The Road will not always be smooth, in fact throughout our travels. Destination according to dictionary term it's " the place to which someone or something is going or being sent ". Destination defines your journey like life to death journey to the destination. when I read the article about the journey and destination there only be one question I saw the most that Journey is most important than Destination???? Is it SOOO????? I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!! How people can say again and again that journey is most important, but they don't know that destination defines their journey if there is no...
Family plays a important role in our life's. A Family is a group of people who stay together in any situation(Good or Bad). They teach us how to survive in any situation. “ Family is not just an important thing. It's everything.” ( Click on the below ads you may get exciting deals if you lucky what you waiting for go and grab the best deal ) Once you understand the value(importance) of the family , you can learn how to build family relationships through genuine love and care . If I talk about my experiences I did a mistake, a huge mistake in the past just because of one person and I left my family just because of her and what she did to me, she destroyed my life and made me wrong in my family's eye, after that no one was standing with me only my family is there to support me, who motivate me. Yes, bad things happen but the most important thing is that you have to realize what you did wrong to your family and in your life, still they support you. This is what a family...
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