Top 10 Marketo Interview Question and Answer

Top 10 Marketo Interview Question and Answer

When you apply for a job at MARKETO, make sure your experience and skill match with job requirements. 

Trust me, Its most important!!!!!!

Below are the Marketo interview question which most of the companies are asking the same questions:-

1. What is Marketo?
Answer:-  It's a marketing automation software as a service(SaaS) platform built to help organizations automate and measure marketing engagement, tasks and workflow.

2. What is Token in Marketo?
Answer:- A Token is a variable that can be used in a Smart campaign flow steps, email, landing page, snippet and web campaign.

In Token Tab there are three type of Tokens called Nesting TOKEN:- 
A. Local Token :  19 fields are fixed. We have to just update the value in it.
B. Inherited Token :- when field is update.
C. Overridden Token: Update the filled which override

3. What is Tags in Marketo?
Answer:- Tags are used to describe program and for filtering data for reporting purpose.

4. How do you setup an Email Campaign in Marketo?
Answer:- Setup email Campaign can be done by different steps:- 
A. Email  B. Audience  C. Schedule  D. Approval.
Setup in Marketo

1. Go to Marketing Activities.
2. Select your email program. Under the Email title, click New Email.
3. Select the template and click create. After creating don't forget to approve your email
4. Select your audience to whom you have to targeted.
5. Once you get approval from your client side schedule it.

5. What is Progressive Profiling?
Answer:-  When a visitor fills out a form on a website landing page for the first time, they are required only to complete a few form fields in the next time to fill out a form.
It's a technique that allows marketers to gradually collect more data on leads.

6. How many Types of Programs in Marketo?
Answer:-  There are 5 types of program:- 
A. Default  B. Event  C. Event with webinar  D. Engagement  E. Email.

7. What is Smart List and Static List?
Answer:- Smart list are dynamics and find a specific group of people based on define rules.
Static List are simply list of people that change only when you add/removes names.

8. What is Smart Campaign and differ from smart list?
Answer:-  A smart campaign has four assets:- Smart list, Flow, Schedule and results.
Where smart list has a set of filters applied for audience to be targeted. Flow if the conditions based on which the campaign would be activated. Schedule is to define when the campaign is to be run. Result would be kind of campaign report.

9. What is Triggered and Batch Campaign?
Answer:-  Batch Campaign launches at a specific time and affects a specific set of people aa at once.
Triggered affects one person at a time based on triggered events.

10. What is Progression Status?
Answer:- Status like Invited, registered, attended, Now show is called Progression status and once status is fixed after that it cannot be changed to other status.

If you have any suggestion/Question feel free to comment.


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