How to stop Overthinking!!
Overthinking became a common word in our life and many of us deal with this problem. Overthinking leads to mental illness. When we keep thinking about one situation then it makes our situation more complicated. Yes, we all deal with problems But instead of keeping thinking about that particular problem we should do more focus on finding the solution by having a positive attitude in our mind. If we have negative thoughts in our minds then we will not able to find the right solution and it will lead to overthinking and negativity. We always must have an optimistic attitude to deal with situations and have the confidence, yes, I am gonna fix it no matter what.
Overthinking is usually a habit that has developed over time and so it is not something that we can just switch off overnight. Do not sharpen your arrows only when you need to strike. If they are sharp, you can strike anytime you need to.

Everyone tries their level best to remain positive, but there is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts!. Overthinking is nothing but an endless loop where you keep going on and on. You start thinking about something, then keep adding more info till the time you become mentally and physically exhausted.
Overthinking could be because that you are not sure what you want to do in your life and are afraid of making the wrong decision. when you lost someone or you feel broken, think too much and destroy our mantel health. You always feel trapped and do not believe in your ability to change circumstances.
What to do????
There is a various method that helped you overcome overthink and keep your mind relaxed like:-
- Do Meditation or do Exercise
- When your brain starts thinking to much take a pause and drink a glass of water.
- Do not stay in the past, just concentrate on the present life.
- Change your approach toward life, it is beautiful and you have to enjoy it.
- Stay away from News, Social media which impacts your brain just for few days.
- Do whatever you do which makes you happy.
- Be Positive.
If you feel a little disturbed or depressed see this video, which makes you feel good.
When you overthink, your judgment gets cloudy and stress gets elevated. You spend too much time on the negative. It is very important to stay in the present. There is no limit to human imagination and that creates worries, concerns of things that have not yet happened.
Stop Overthinking. Whatever happens, happens. You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thought. Just be happy and spread happiness.