Build a Positive Personality and high self esteem

Build a Positive Personality and high self esteem

The power to make or break oneself is all within us, and we need to take ownership, and responsibility, on how we use that power, for charging ourselves with positive energy, or negative energy, because, the controls are with us. Do the good things you like doing more. Avoid whatever unpleasant experiences you have. Stop listening and watching bad things. It works every time.

Good things you have learned from all those bad days of your life. This would firstly make your life easier. Also, it can cause you to feel good about your life and presence.

Following ways to build a positive Personality

Step 1: Accept Responsibility

It's a very important step in life to build a positive behavior because when you take responsibility on your shoulder automatic your personality change like how to deal with other, control anger, how to take that responsibility smoothly means its a step to build a positive personality.

Those people who don't take it the responsibility seriously they always shift the blame to others to their parents, God, Fate, luck. which shows his wrong behavior towards everyone.

Step 2: Show Consideration

It's good to show consideration, courtesy, and politeness in this modern world so it becomes a great place to live easily.

Step 3: Choose your Words Carefully

Whenever you talk someone is careful with your words. You never know which word hurts them. Smart people talk nicely they always choose their word wisely and foolish people talk whatever even they know the choice of words hurt the most.

According to great leaders, teachers say Talk less, say more and a Great man thinks before speaking.

So always be remember do not hurt the person with your words, just do your word be calm and perfectly.

Step 4: Be a Good Listener

When you give importance to others, it motivates others and builds a positive personality. Always listen to what they want to say because they create a good environment and give more confidence and bring people together and avoid misunderstandings. Listing is also more important.

Step 5: Discuss but don't Argue

The Basic step in life to avoid argument just because to maintain a healthy relationship and not be a part of that mess. In a relationship, if you discuss the things its good if your discussion comes into your argument which causes a fight and split a relationship. No matter who can win or lose always ignore the argument be a part of the discussion and maintain a positive attitude towards every one... Stay away from the argument.
The argument is a sign of ignorance and Discussion is an exchange of knowledge.

Whenever a discussion turns into the argument be calm, just listen and not to argue, which leads to you in a positive personality. An argument tries to prove who is right and wrong whereas in a discussion tries to prove what is right.

Step 6: Don't Gossip

Gossip is a sign of a negative personality. It shows that you have nothing to do in your life always be in some others' life. Small people talk about other peoples, smart people talk about thinks and their ideas.

Gossip is a sign of weakness that your life depends on others always. It always breaks hurts, ruins life. Be smart and just spread happiness not waste your time in such gossips.

Build a Positive Personality and high self esteem

Identify your positive attributes and potentials, talents, interests, and passions, and work within them. Do what comes easy to you, do what you love and enjoy doing, that s when you will realize your power. Don t get bogged down by other's comments and judgments.

Make emphatics, your common style of conduct, obligingly, stand up what you need to and must, go to bat for your opportunity of decision and inclination and what is correct, say NO to any demands or invitations that you don t like or can t oblige, ask what you want,  object, express your opinion without thinking about the other may think of feel, it is none of your business, be empathic, friendly.


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