Humanity in Coronavirus Pandemic

Humanity in Coronavirus Pandemic

As we all know how the outbreak of deadly COVID-19(Coronavirus) affects lives and economy around the world. People across the globe stay home to stop the spread of  coronavirus.

Humanity in Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus tells the story of humanity that how they survive, how they fight in that situation. But deep down we everyone know about the situation how difficult it is. We have never seen that countries closed their borders, empty schools, Universities, overwhelmed Hospitals and global economy suffering a major blow.
Cases increases day by day and death rate is also increases and many believe that nothing will ever be the same again . May be COVID-19 is a warning that world is not our private property.

In a video you can see how world is changed and how we fight with that deadly Coronavirus.

In this Pandemic what we have seen that people support each other, Doctors and Nurses do their jobs by taking extra turns without barely resting and even they know it's so risky for their lives, Hotels donating beds to hospitals and opening the gates for the treatment of patient and many more things like donating mask, give foods to poor people etc..

This gives us Hope but there is still much to do. Stay home, take precautions and go outside in case of emergency.


  1. wow. great. this was so needed for us to here. great job. keep the good work up.

  2. Yes, it's to difficult to live in this situation.

  3. Stay from home, the best thing we can do

    1. Yes apart from this there is nothing to do.
      Be safe stay healthy

  4. Good work. True corona has definitely taken a huge toll.

  5. Very informative 👏keep it up !

  6. Staying home saves lives👍🤞

  7. informative content hai apka

  8. Dear Admin, Very informative post! I am thankful to you for providing this unique information. Health Tips


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