How to deal with depression

How to deal with depression

Depression!!!  I think it's common nowadays. In every 5 out of 1 people suffer from depressionšŸ¤”šŸ¤”, which will impact today's humanity.

According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from the disorder.

How can you define depression??

Depression in the simple term which affects your Physical and Mental Health like low mood, loss of interest in activities, negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act.

How to deal with depression
Depression is the most dangerous disease. Several factors may increase the chances of depression-like:-
  1. Death or loss of a loved one.
  2. Problems related to work, personal relationships, finances can contribute to depression.
  3. Sexually or emotionally abuse increases depression later in life.
  4. and many more ways that impact on your mental health and physically.

Symptoms of  Depression 

Depression varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms. some people experience a few symptoms, many.

Symptoms of depression

It can also involve loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex.

How to deal with depression

Taking the first step is the hardest feels more challenging when you are dealing with depression. You may feel too exhausted to talk, ashamed at your situation, Going to work, meet with friends feel like a struggle, or guilty for neglecting certain relationships. 

Depression doesn't go away on its own for this we have to take care of yourself. Everything feels devastated when you are dealing with depression. You feel exhausted, have no mood to do anything not even just getting out of your bed can feel a struggle. 

If I am talking about my experience, a few months back I also suffer from the same which makes me so weak. Life put me in a hell situation, there is nothing good happen, full of negativity, broken, rejected, useless, defeated, long-term unemployed, yes, of course, think about suicide but never lose hope which increases my strength toward life, even there is no need to consult a doctor in this worst situation. I heal myself and took some advice from others to whom I believe the most and set a goal in day to day life. 

Fight every day with an optimistic view and improve your quality of life. If you are not able to do it by yourself then you can consult a doctor but never ever lose hope you never know what happens next. 

Everyone can easily cope up with the depression, just follow these simple steps:
1. Start very small, Set Smaller Goals:-  Daily basis help you make some serious improvement in the long run and make sure that the goal you set yourself is attainable.
  • Get out of bed
  • Brush your Teeth
  • Take a shower  
  • Get dressed which you like
  • Eat breakfast on time
it doesn't matter how slow you go just take the first step and win over it.

2. Do Exercise daily or Yoga Or Meditation:- If you do exercise daily it will reduce your stress much and help you or recover from the mental health issue fast. It gives you energy and makes your mind stable.

3. Discussed your problems with your loved ones: If you feel safe, then discuss it otherwise not. It gives you strength and makes you feel happy.

4. Positive Thinking:- Put a smile on the face. Try to take all things positive which make you feel better if you take it in a negative way which will put you in the more worst situation. so trying to be positive.

5. Traveling:- If you feel worse go somewhere where you feel good or do the traveling. Those who are frustrated from their life or stressed they traveled more just to make them feel good and back with some different ideas.

6. Consult Doctor:- If you feel or depressed too much, go and consult to the doctor.

I hope this will help you and give you more strength to deal with your mental health. If have any query or any other idea plz comment below.


  1. Yes it's help a lot. Thanks for the content

  2. Nice post. Very informative. Keep up the good work.

  3. Helpful keep sharing like this

  4. Informative content..keep it up

  5. Very significant Information for us, I have think the representation of this Information is actually superb one. This is my first visit to your site. Deal With Depression


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